为进一步鼓吹中外文化交流,由广东播送电视台筹办出品的英文融媒国际文化节目《二十四食者》宣介会暨《了不得的非遗》开播典礼于9月22日下昼在广州举行,广东省东说念主民政府外事办公室、广东省文化和旅游厅、广东省播送电视局、广东省东说念主民政府新闻办公室、广东省东说念主民政府侨务办公室等联系政府机构代表,以及来自十九个国度驻广州总领事馆代表共70余名嘉宾出席举止。广东播送电视台副总裁剪施燕峰出席举止并致辞。希腊共和国驻广州总领事马提诺斯·曼达里蒂斯(Martinos Mandalidis)动作十四位出席举止的列国驻穗总领事代表为举止致辞。
To further promote cultural exchange between China and the rest of the world, a promotion event for the English converged media international cultural program "Solar Term Global Potluck" and the launching ceremony for "The Amazing Heritages" were held in Guangzhou on the afternoon of September 22. Over 70 guests attended the event, including representatives from the Foreign Affairs Office of the People's Government of Guangdong Province, the Department of Culture and Tourism of Guangdong Province, the Radio and Television Administration of Guangdong Province, the Information Office of the People's Government of Guangdong Province, Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the People's Government of Guangdong Province and other relevant governmental agencies, as well as representatives from the Consulates General of 19 countries in Guangzhou. Shi Yanfeng, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Guangdong Radio and Television, attended the event and delivered a speech. Martinos Mandalidis, Consul General of Greece in Guangzhou, representing the 14 Consuls General in attendance, delivered a speech at the event.
皇冠现金 XXX已经成为了一名顶尖的体育明星,他的表现让人惊叹不已。他曾说过,自己的成功得益于一直以来的努力和坚持。举止回归了自2022年4月开播以来,列国驻穗总领事参与《二十四食者》二十四期节缠绵拍摄、展现中外文化交相照映的精彩短暂;并进行了全新英文融媒国际文化节目——《了不得的非遗》的开播典礼。举止现场还设有岭南非遗体验门径,列国外宾在广绣、剪纸、西村窑、点茶身手的非遗传承东说念主换取下,亲手剪下剪纸木棉花,点出茶汤图案“茶散乐”,在显微镜之下目睹灿若银河的西村窑“微不雅天下”,过了一把“非遗瘾”。
The event reviewed the splendid moments of cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries showcased in the 24 episodes of "Solar Term Global Potluck", in which Consuls General from various countries in Guangzhou participated in the filming. The event also marked the premiere of a new English-converged media international cultural program called "The Amazing Heritages". The event featured a Lingnan intangible cultural heritage experience, where foreign guests, guided by inheritors of Guangdong embroidery, paper-cutting, the Xicun Kiln, and Diancha tea-making techniques, personally made paper-cut silk-cotton flowers, created tea patterns known as "Cha Bai Xi", witnessed the microcosmic world of the Xicun Kiln via microscopes, indulging in the charm of intangible cultural heritage.
中国银行 金卡二十四集英文融媒国际文化节目《二十四食者》是一档以中国二十四骨气为引、以好意思食为媒、研究中外文化交流的酬酢官访谈节目,邀请列国驻华使节走进粤港澳大湾区“网红”地标,品味骨气好意思食,感受骨气文化,体验中外优秀传统文化的碰撞。从2022年四月启动到2023年三月,《二十四食者》共邀请了墨西哥、韩国、以色列、英国、意大利、新西兰、巴西、希腊、法国、坦桑尼亚、土耳其、好意思国、印度尼西亚、卡塔尔、丹麦、比利时、挪威、泰国、伊朗、巴拿马、乌干达、老挝驻广州总领事参与到节缠绵拍摄与访谈。节目逢二十四骨气当日在广东播送电视台境表里大小屏同步推出,皇冠现金网app并登录好意思国探索东南亚频说念、好意思国夏威夷汉文电视台、斐济玛宜电视台、加拿大新时期电视台、香港nowJelli 紫金國際台、澳门资讯频说念,境内新媒体平台不雅看量毁坏800万,境外不雅看量超500万。节目还获取了参与节目次制的列国驻广州总领事馆在境表里官方账号的奋勇转发,并经保举获取好意思国驻华大使馆、英国驻华大使馆、新西兰驻华大使馆官方平台的转发;以色列原土最大英文主流媒体《耶鲁撒冷邮报》网站、韩国酬酢部网站的驻穗总领事馆主页、土耳其国度通信社阿纳多卢通信社的网站,以及部分总领事的个东说念主国外社交媒体账号均转载了节目视频和关联拍摄情况,在驻华使领馆平台的传播不雅看量高出12万。
皇冠源码The 24-episode English converged media international cultural program "Solar Term Global Potluck" is a diplomatic interview program that explores the cultural exchange between China and foreign countries through the lens of China's 24 solar terms, culinary delights, and traditional culture. Diplomatic envoys to China from different countries were invited to visit popular landmarks in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, taste signature foods for the 24 solar terms, and experience the culture behind them. From April 2022 to March 2023, the program invited Consuls General from Mexico, South Korea, Israel, the United Kingdom, Italy, New Zealand, Brazil, Greece, France, Tanzania, Türkiye, the United States, Indonesia, Qatar, Denmark, Belgium, Norway, Thailand, Iran, Panama, Uganda, and Laos in Guangzhou to participate in the filming and interviews. The episodes were simultaneously broadcast by Guangdong Radio and Television on various screens within and outside China on the corresponding solar term dates. They were also aired on channels such as Discovery Southeast Asia, Hawaii Chinese Television, Mai TV Fiji, Fairchild TV, NowJelli, and TDM Information. The program garnered over 8 million views on domestic new media platforms and over 5 million views internationally. The program also received enthusiastic support from the consulates general in Guangzhou, who actively shared the program videos and related information on their official accounts both domestically and internationally. It was recommended and shared by the official platforms of the U.S. Embassy in China, the British Embassy in China, and the New Zealand Embassy in China. The official website of The Jerusalem Post, a major English mainstream media outlet in Israel; the home page of the Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Guangzhou on the official website of the Republic of Korea's Ministry of Foreign Affairs; and the website of the Turkish state news agency Anadolu Agency; as well as the personal overseas social media accounts of some Consuls General, reposted the program videos and information, with over 120,000 views on the platforms of diplomatic missions in China.
沙巴体育 美高梅app来344k.com靠谱藉“一带沿途”倡议建议十周年之际,十五集英文融媒体国际文化交流节目《了不得的非遗》将接棒《二十四食者》登录大湾区卫视,定位为一档以史为鉴,活化传承,开启新时期中外文化交流互鉴的酬酢官访谈节目,通过“中国非遗与他国优秀传统文化碰撞”的体式,真切挖掘、展现大湾区优秀传统文化创造性退换、立异性发展的水灵事例,邀请列国驻华酬酢官体验大湾区非遗传统身手,并引入对应的国外非遗,让更多国外受众在中外非遗元素碰撞中感悟中国精神、中国价值、中国力量,进一步加强多元漂后交流互鉴。《了不得的非遗》将于本年9月30日国庆期间推出第一季共七集,逢周六推出,并筹划于2024年2月3日春节档推出第二季。
On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Belt and Road initiative, a 15-episode English converged media international cultural exchange program called "The Amazing Heritages" will take over from "Solar Term Global Potluck" and be aired on GBA Satellite TV Channel. It aims to serve as a diplomatic interview program that reflects on history, revitalizes heritage, and opens up new avenues for cultural exchange and mutual learning between China and foreign countries in the new era. Through the form of "the collision of Chinese intangible cultural heritage and the outstanding traditional cultures of other countries", the program will delve into and showcase vivid examples of the creative transformation and innovative development of outstanding traditional culture in the Greater Bay Area. It will invite foreign diplomats in China to experience traditional intangible cultural heritage skills in the Greater Bay Area and incorporate corresponding foreign intangible cultural heritage elements, allowing a wider international audience to appreciate the Chinese spirit, values, and strength by comparing Chinese and foreign intangible cultural heritage and further enhancing the exchange and mutual learning of diverse civilizations. The first season of "The Amazing Heritages" will be launched during the National Day holiday on September 30, 2023, consisting of 7 episodes that will be aired on Saturdays. The second season is scheduled to be released during the Chinese New Year on February 3, 2024.